
What to do during an earthquake


What happens during an earthquake?

An earthquake 当两块地壳在断层上突然相互滑动时就会发生, 释放储存的能量,引起地震波. 当地震波到达地表时,会震动附近的地面和建筑物.

如果你经历过地震,你就会知道地震随时都可能发生. It's important to be prepared before it happens and know what to do afterward. How to react to an earthquake will depend on where you are when it strikes.


Stay calm and immediately protect yourself. You will want to "drop, cover and hold on" to help reduce possible injury. 你需要双手和膝盖着地以获得最大的稳定性和保护. 然后,如果可能的话,爬到桌子或桌子下面躲避. 如果你在室内,在地震期间你应该呆在室内. 地震发生时外出可能会让你受到掉落的碎片的伤害. 如果没有庇护所,爬到远离窗户和重物的内墙. Cover your head and neck with your arms. 你要抓住你正在使用的任何掩体,并准备好随它移动. 不要试图躲在门口,除非你知道它有很强的支撑, load-bearing doorway.

If you're in bed when it happens, 用枕头保护头部,远离任何窗户或灯具. 如果你在另一栋楼里,你也应该考虑在哪里避雨, such as a high-rise, hotel or restaurant.


If you're outdoors, you should stay outdoors during the shaking. 地震时,室外最大的危险来自倒塌的建筑物和瓦砾. 你应该试着搬到最空旷的地方. 避免路灯和电线,它们可能成为电气威胁. 待在空旷的地方,直到你确定震动已经停止.

如果你在沿海地区或附近,立即向内陆高地移动. 地震可能引起大浪或造成地震 tsunami.

What to do in an earthquake when driving

If you're in a car, you should stay in the car during the shaking. 如果你感觉到地面在震动,尽快安全地走到路边. 在路上停车可能会导致事故并阻碍应急人员. 尽量避免在建筑物、树木或立交桥附近停车. Once you're stopped, turn on your hazard lights. 地震停止后,要注意道路可能受损,尤其是桥梁和坡道.


Stay calm and cover your mouth with your clothing. 轻敲墙壁或管道——如果你有的话,可以吹口哨——来帮助提醒救援人员. 为了避免吸入大量危险的灰尘,你只能在最后关头才大声喊叫.

Earthquakes occur worldwide and most of us should be prepared. 考虑定期练习该做什么,这样你就会知道在紧急情况下该怎么做. You should also know what to do after an earthquake and discuss earthquake insurance with a State Farm® agent.

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